有誰能知道自己的未來會是怎樣的模式? 但,卻能夠去響往想要過怎樣的生活模式。 當16歲的我遙望吉隆坡的那一刻,我決定用自己的方式離鄉,去尋找自己的未來。
並不是什么大不了的方式,只是努力讀書,考到好成績;然後報讀大學。 天天都守着信箱,希望有大學或學院的來信,風雨無阻。 哈哈!試想想,我想離開的慾望有多強。
從沒想過自己有那股勇氣,獨自背着行李前往吉隆坡讀書。 就算家人親戚都反對,我還是堅持。 雖然離開疼愛我的婆婆心里萬千難受,但我卻想證明我不是他們看不起的小傢伙。
感謝,當時還有敎會的兄弟姐妹的照顧,所以我並沒有遇到太困難的事。 除了讀書,就是探索自己向往的城市生活。 上天對我眞的很好,我並不難適應這里的新環境,反而獲得自由的飛翔。

Moved the First Step
I like freedom, everything follows my feelings, step by step follow the path...
Who can predict their own future? However, we are able to aspire to have the life that we desire. When I was at my 16, I decided to leave the place with my own way, to pursue my dreams and future.
The way is not something very special, but to study hard and obtain a good result which is the "passport" enable me to enrol university. I waited for the offer letter from university or college everyday. Haha! You can imagine how desperate I wanted to leave.
Never thought that I had such courage to carry my luggage and traveled to Kuala Lumpur without any accompanion. I insisted to go, despite relatives and family members were opposed. Although I felt very upset to leave my grandmother who love me so much, but I wanted to prove that I was no longer the little boy who they might underestimate.
Thanks to the church members who always taking care of me; I didn't encounter any major obstacle. Besides study, I explored the city life that I wish. Thanks God that I settled down and adapted to the new environment very soon, and most importantly, I have the freedom that I want.
Taking part in <Star Search 2003> is another turning point of my life.